kuala lumpur city map
Map of Kuala Lumpur Map Kuala Lumpur city center Map Kuala Lumpur Rail System Map Kuala Lumpur Monorail Map RapidKL Ampang line Map RapidKL Kelana Jaya line. And when you need to get home there are 690 bus and tram stops and subway and railway stations in Kuala Lumpur. Pin On Travels Finders You can simply scroll through the map with your mouse. . Our city map of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia shows 5168 km of streets and paths. This map shows streets parks points of interest in Kuala Lumpur city center. If you wanted to walk them all assuming you walked four kilometers an hour eight hours a day it would take you 161 days. Located just 68 mi from the city center Dubai Intl is the airport most travelers will use when flying to Dubai from Kuala Lumpur. Ships in 1-2 business days. The full version of the map including all main transportation routes and lines on rail and partly also bus and ferry. With interactive Kual...